Posted in teachers pay teachers, teaching pineapples

Spring counting cards

Within the last few weeks I’ve really tried to change up my math centers – I noticed that my kids gravitated to the ones that aren’t paper & pencil or using dry erase crayons. In fact, those centers usually end up empty. Why am I using centers they won’t use… why can’t I make some they’ll love?

So… I made some! 

These are counting cards, with a twist. Students pick a card, count the number of objects and then put the tile down to match in the first square. But wait, there’s more! Then they need to practice counting on…

6 flowers, after 6 comes 7 and then… 8!

This student figured it out pretty easily. 

Yes, I could’ve used dry erase markers/crayons on these but I thought foam tiles would be a fun change… and they were. I got some foam sheets, cut them in 1″ squares and wrote numbers on them with sharpie. Easy and the kids loved it. Foam made it super quiet and the numbers were color coded so every once in a while I’d hear someone ask, “what color is number 3?” Super cute. 

It makes my teacher heart happy to say this center was a success! Every student wanted to go to it and they were happily working the entire time. I printed 8 cards in each box (Iris photo cases, I love these!) so everything they needed was all in one place and easy to tidy up. 

Need to differentiate? There are 2 sets of cards and instructions… for students that aren’t ready to count on, they can just count and put the number. Write the number on the back to make it independent and self-correcting. I will probably have these ready to go in the fall. 

Want your own? Click here to get them! I’m thinking about adding more cards so this is a great price!